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Turnigy Aquastar 120A Watercooled ESC w/Programming Card
Kód zb.: ES313-86
Cena: 2470.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 1 - 2 ks

Turnigy Aquastar 120A Watercooled ESC w/Programming Card

Ultra fast microprocessor controlled and extremely low resistance circuit and chip design,water-proof PCB, and aluminum water-cool heatsink for better thermal dissipation are just someof the features in the new TURNIGY Aquastar range of brushless boat speed controllers. The AquaStar brushless esc is a high performance ESC capable of standard and competition use. Includes full function programming

Turnigy AquaStar 90A Water Cooled ESC
Kód zb.: JQ239-qb
Cena: 1722.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 6 ks

Turnigy AquaStar 90A Water Cooled ESC

Ultra fast microprocessor controlled and extremely low resistance circuit and chip design,water-proof PCB, and aluminum water-cool heatsink for better thermal dissipation are just some of the features in the new TURNIGY Aquastar range of brushless boat speed controllers. The AquaStar brushless esc is a high performance ESC capable of standard and competition use. Full protection, include signal loss, temperature, and motor jam protection. Programable by USB on a PC or by your Tx.

Turnigy AquaStar Monster 240A Water Cooled ESC
Kód zb.: LM596-nm
Cena: 7858.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

Turnigy AquaStar Monster 240A Water Cooled ESC

Ultra fast microprocessor controlled and extremely low resistance circuit and chip design, water-proof PCB, and aluminum water-cool heatsink for better thermal dissipation are just some of the features in the new TURNIGY Aquastar range of brushless boat speed controllers. The AquaStar brushless esc is a high performance ESC capable of standard and competition use. Full protection, include signal l

Hobbyking SS Boat Series 70A ESC
Kód zb.: JA520-r1
Cena: 873.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 7 ks

Hobbyking SS Boat Series 70A ESC

Série jednoduchých regulátorů Hobbyking pro lodě nabízí omezenou škálu programovatelných funkcí a jsou navržené jako plug-n-play regulátory. Jedná se o perfektní volbu pro ty, kdo hledají regulátory, které jsou jednoduché na obsluhu a jsou ekonomické. Specifikace: Hmotnost: 81g Rozměry: 85 x 41 x 15 mm Pro baterie: 2 ~ 7S LiPo Trvalý proud: 70A Špičkový proud: 90A BEC: Neobsahuje BEC (Opto verze regulátoru) Opačný chod: Ano Programovatelné funkce. Typ baterií / Mezní napětí pro vypnutí motoru Rozběh (Auto / 1.1 ms až 1.8 ms / Tvrdý / Měkký) Brzda (Vypnutá / Měkká /

Turnigy Marine 120A Brushless Boat ESC
Kód zb.: PD846-xi
Cena: 1722.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 5 ks

Turnigy Marine 120A Brushless Boat ESC

TURNIGY marine ESCs are built with USA IR mosFETs for long run times and less heat. Boat escs have a different requirement to air or car escs. Their need for sustained high-amp draw makes plane escs unsuitable and car escs with large amp spike capability, unnecessary. Thats why TURNIGY marine escs are designed purely for boats, and coated in anti-static then water resistant laquer to prevent shorting should the esc get wet. They can handle sustained high amp/volt loads and handle

Turnigy Marine 180A Brushless Boat ESC
Kód zb.: ZU332-2y
Cena: 2779.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

Turnigy Marine 180A Brushless Boat ESC

TURNIGY marine ESCs are built with USA IR mosFETs for long run times and less heat. Boat escs have a different requirement to air or car escs. Their need for sustained high-amp draw makes plane escs unsuitable and car escs with large amp spike capability, unnecessary. Thats why TURNIGY marine escs are designed purely for boats, and coated in anti-static then water resistant laquer to prevent shorting should the esc get wet. They can handle sustained high amp/volt loads and handle

Turnigy AquaStar 100A Water Cooled ESC
Kód zb.: EZ100-6p
Cena: 1790.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 9 ks

Turnigy AquaStar 100A Water Cooled ESC

Ultra fast microprocessor controlled and extremely low resistance circuit and chip design, water-proof PCB, and aluminum water-cooled heatsink for better thermal dissipation are just some of the features in the new TURNIGY Aquastar range of brushless boat speed controllers. The AquaStar brushless esc is a high performance ESC capable of standard and competition use. Full protection, include signal loss, temperature, and motor jam protection. Programmable by your Tx. Compatible t

Turnigy Marine 60A Brushless Boat ESC
Kód zb.: KB284-lo
Cena: 1225.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 9 ks

Turnigy Marine 60A Brushless Boat ESC

TURNIGY marine ESCs are built with USA IR mosFETs for long run times and less heat. Boat escs have a different requirement to air or car escs. Their need for sustained high-amp draw makes plane escs unsuitable and car escs with large amp spike capability, unnecessary. Thats why TURNIGY marine escs are designed purely for boats, and coated in anti-static then water resistant laquer to prevent shorting should the esc get wet. They can handle sustained high amp/volt loads and handle

Turnigy AquaStar 160A Water Cooled ESC
Kód zb.: AS254-id
Cena: 2219.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

Turnigy AquaStar 160A Water Cooled ESC

Ultra fast microprocessor controlled and extremely low resistance circuit and chip design, water-proof PCB, and aluminum water-cooled heatsink for better thermal dissipation are just some of the features in the new TURNIGY Aquastar range of brushless boat speed controllers. The AquaStar brushless esc is a high performance ESC capable of standard and competition use. Full protection, include signal loss, temperature, and motor jam protection. Programmable by your Tx. Compatible t

Turnigy AquaStar 120A Water Cooled ESC
Kód zb.: NX696-ri
Cena: 1752.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

Turnigy AquaStar 120A Water Cooled ESC

Ultra fast microprocessor controlled and extremely low resistance circuit and chip design,water-proof PCB, and aluminum water-cool heatsink for better thermal dissipation are just some of the features in the new TURNIGY Aquastar range of brushless boat speed controllers. The AquaStar brushless esc is a high performance ESC capable of standard and competition use. Full protection, include signal loss, temperature, and motor jam protection. Programable by USB on a PC or by your Tx.

Turnigy Marine 35A Brushless Boat ESC
Kód zb.: DL789-gd
Cena: 1097.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 6 ks

Turnigy Marine 35A Brushless Boat ESC

TURNIGY marine ESCs are built with USA IR mosFETs for long run times and less heat. Boat escs have a different requirement to air or car escs. Their need for sustained high-amp draw makes plane escs unsuitable and car escs with large amp spike capability, unnecessary. Thats why TURNIGY marine escs are designed purely for boats, and coated in anti-static then water resistant laquer to prevent shorting should the esc get wet. They can handle sustained high amp/volt loads and handle

Birdie 100A Brushless Boat ESC w/5A BEC
Kód zb.: QN940-lr
Cena: 948.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 7 ks

Birdie 100A Brushless Boat ESC w/5A BEC

Regulátory řady Birdie jsou... OPRAVDU LEVNÉ !!!! Žádné zbytečné ozdoby - jen vysoká užitná hodnota, kterou za své peníze dostanete!Každý jednotlivý kus regulátoru řady Birdie prochází kontrolou kvality přímo v HobbyKing-tatokontrola zahrnuje i dvouminutový zátěžový test-a máte tak jistotu, že regulátor Birdie bude opravdu provozuschopný ! Jestli tedy hledáte spolehlivý regulátor vybavený všemi potřebnými funkcemi za opravdu nízkou cenu, pak je vaše volba jasná - je to Birdie. *Tento Birdie regulátor je určený pro modely lodí a je chlazený vodou Specifikace: Hm

Birdie 200A Brushless Boat ESC (NO BEC)
Kód zb.: SQ183-8j
Cena: 1240.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

Birdie 200A Brushless Boat ESC (NO BEC)

Regulátory řady Birdie jsou... OPRAVDU LEVNÉ !!!! Žádné zbytečné ozdoby - jen vysoká užitná hodnota, kterou za své peníze dostanete! Každý jednotlivý kus regulátoru řady Birdie prochází kontrolou kvality přímo v HobbyKing-tato kontrola zahrnuje i dvouminutový zátěžový test-a máte tak jistotu, že regulátor Birdie bude opravdu provozuschopný ! Jestli tedy hledáte spolehlivý regulátor vybavený všemi potřebnými funkcemi za opravdu nízkou cenu, pak je vaše volba jasná - je to Birdie. *Tento Birdie regulátor je určený pro modely lodí a je chlazený vodou Specifikace:

Turnigy Marine 80A-HV Brushless Boat ESC
Kód zb.: XR211-94
Cena: 2258.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

Turnigy Marine 80A-HV Brushless Boat ESC

TURNIGY marine ESCs are built with USA IR mosFETs for long run times and less heat. Boat escs have a different requirement to air or car escs. Their need for sustained high-amp draw makes plane escs unsuitable and car escs with large amp spike capability, unnecessary. Thats why TURNIGY marine escs are designed purely for boats, and coated in anti-static then water resistant laquer to prevent shorting should the esc get wet. They can handle sustained high amp/volt loads and handle

Hobbyking SS Boat Series 125A ESC
Kód zb.: VT339-b9
Cena: 1022.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 4 ks

Hobbyking SS Boat Series 125A ESC

Série jednoduchých regulátorů Hobbyking pro lodě nabízí omezenou škálu programovatelných funkcí a jsou navržené jako plug-n-play regulátory. Jedná se o perfektní volbu pro ty, kdo hledají regulátory, které jsou jednoduché na obsluhu a jsou ekonomické. Specifikace: Hmotnost: 107g Rozměry: 90 x 41 x 18 mm Pro baterie: 2 ~ 7S LiPo Trvalý proud: 125A Špičkový proud: 150A BEC: Neobsahuje BEC (Opto verze regulátoru) Opačný chod: Ano Programovatelné funkce. Typ baterií/Mezní napětí pro vypnutí motoru Rozběh (Auto / 1.1 ms až 1.8 ms / Tvrdý / Měkký) Brzda (Vypnutá / Měkká /




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