MultiStar ESCs are are a quality speed controller at a fantastic price! Designed for simple installation and easy setup these ESCs have proven to offer excellent performance when used in Multi-rotor applications. If your starting out in Multi-rotors and need an easy to install solution that is tested and proven to work with Multi-rotor craft then these speed controllers have you covered.
These ES
Plush 25 Brushless Speed Controller
The Plush series ESC are a very good quality controller. They have a broad range of programming features and a smooth throttle response compared to other BESCs in the same price range.
Our TURNIGY speed controllers come with a 14 month warranty. We guarentee these are the best Brushless Speed Controllers you can purchase at this price.
These speed controllers are sold in western countries under various names at tripple the price.
We are certain
Regulátor pro střídavé motory Mystery 20A (Modrá série)
Max. proud: 20A
Špičkový proud (po dobu 10 sec): 30A
Výstup BEC: 5.0 V/2 A
Napětí: 7.4-11.1 V (2-3 články LiPo/5-10 článků NiCd)
Rozměry: 33x23x6 mm
Hmotnost: 20 g
Hlavní funkce:
Bezpečnostní mód: Motor se nerozeběhne, pokud při zapojení regulátoru není plyn v nulové poloze.
Nastavení brzdy: Zapnuto/vypnuto (tovární nastavení je na vypnuto)
Ochrana při poklesu napětí: Vypnuto/Omezení výkonu/Vypnutí motoru
Tepelná ochrana: Omezení výkonu, pokud teplota překročí
H-King regulátory pro proud 35 A, které jsou navržené speciálně pro letadla, jsou skvělou volbou pro každý model, kde je potřeba zajistit lineární, přesnou a spolehlivou odezvu na plyn.H-KING regulátory prochází přísnou výstupní kontrolou a celý výrobní proces je soustředěný do jednoho místa.To dává plnou kontrolu od výběru součástek až po balení a je tím redukována možnost znečištění či poškození během přepravy.
Regulátory H-KING 35 A jsou osazeny konektorem TX-60 a také 3.5 mm gold konektory a aby bylo jejich použití ješ
The Turnigy AE series are based on new powerful microprocessor.
The new CPU means ultra fast sync timing, crisper throttle response, less battery load and reduced FET heat buildup. Also there is a separate voltage regulator IC for microprocessor providing good anti-jamming capability.
Output: Continuous 20A, burst 25A up to 10 seconds.
Input Voltage: 2-4 cells lithium battery or 5-12 cells NIMH battery.
BEC: Linear 2A @ 5V
Control Signal Transmission: Optically
TURNIGY Basic 25A v3.1 Brushless Speed Controller
The Start series ESC are a very good quality controller. It is designed for customers who dont want alot of fuss and bother in setting up a BESC, who dont need a huge swiss army knife range of features but want something reliable and a solid performer.
Our Turnigy speed controllers come with a 14 month warranty. We guarentee these are the best Brushless Speed Controllers you can purchase at this price.
These speed controllers are
The Turnigy AE series are based on new powerful microprocessor.
The new CPU means ultra fast sync timing, crisper throttle response, less battery load and reduced FET heat buildup. Also there is a separate voltage regulator IC for microprocessor providing good anti-jamming capability.
Output: Continuous 30A, burst 35A up to 10 seconds.
Input Voltage: 2-4 cells lithium battery or 5-12 cells NIMH battery.
BEC: Linear 2A @ 5V
Control Signal Transmission: Optically c
MultiStar ESCs are are a quality speed controller at a fantastic price! Designed for simple installation and easy setup these ESCs have proven to offer excellent performance when used in Multi-rotor applications. If your starting out in Multi-rotors and need an easy to install solution that is tested and proven to work with Multi-rotor craft then these speed controllers have you covered.
These ES
Regulátory Hobbyking SS série mají omezené spektrum programovatelných funkcí a jsou navrženy pro snadnou výměnu a zapojení.Jsou to regulátory ideální pro toho, kdo hledá alternativu, která je ekonomická a jednoduchá na používání. Tento typ regulátoru Hobbyking SS 25-30A je programovatelný pomocí těchto programovacích karet: Turnigy, Thunderpower, HobbyWing a některými dalšími
Hmotnost: 24g
Velikost: 45x25x4mm
Podporované baterie: 2-3 články LiPo (autodetekce počtu článků)
Trvalý proud: 25A
Max.proud: 30A
Střídavý regulátor 25 A, určený pro dvou až čtyřčlánkové LiPo baterie, obsahuje 2A BEC
Hmotnost: 18g
Střídavý regulátor 35 A, určený pro dvou až čtyřčlánkové LiPo baterie, obsahuje 3A BEC
Hmotnost: 22g
The Turnigy AE series are based on new powerful microprocessor.
The new CPU means ultra fast sync timing, crisper throttle response, less battery load and reduced FET heat buildup.Also there is a separate voltage regulator IC for microprocessor providing good anti-jamming capability.
Output: Continuous 25A, burst 35A up to 10 seconds.
Input Voltage: 2-4 cells lithium battery or 5-12 cells NIMH battery.
BEC: Linear 2A @ 5V
Control Signal Transmission: Optically c
Turnigy® dlux SBEC ESCs have set a new bench mark in quality and performance, so much so that this lightweight and highly versatile ESC can handle up to 6s and + 10A burst current with complete peace of mind. The extensive programming and data Logging features also offer a versatility of applications rarely seen in an ESC of this rating. All Turnigy dlux ESCs can be programmed via a programing ca
TP W30A Brushless Speed Controller.
Current max: 33Amp
FET: 15
BEC Current: 1.5A
Timing: Auto
PWM: 8k
Lipo: 2-3
NiMH: 4~12
For the programming manual on this item, please visit
The Turnigy TY-P1 25Amp ESC is a stand out performer. Using quality IR HEXFET® Power MOSFETs developed in the USA, this ESC is cable of handling current draw in excess of 40 amps. However this in house designed ESC was developed and produced by the HobbyKing engineering team with one goal in mind, quality and reliability. Rather than over rate the ESC and push it to the limit with a larger heat-s