Motory NTM Prop Drive jsou kvalitní a trvanlivé motory s oběžným pláštěm, které mají pevné vinutí, kvalitní ložiska, správně rozmístěné a pečlivě vybrané magnety, vyvážený stator a navíc procházejí čtrnáctibodovou kontrolou kvalityv celém procesu výroby - od výběru materiálu až po závěrečné výkonové testy.
Protože návrh a výroba těchto motorů probíhá na jednom místě (od 2D/3D návrhu, přes výběr materiálů, obrábění, vyvažování, finální sestavení a testování), jsme schopni kontrolovat kvalitu všech výrobních kroků tak, aby k zákazníkovi od
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure product consistency from
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings, tool-steel shafts plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure produ
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure product consistency from
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings, tool-steel shafts plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure produ
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings, tool-steel shafts plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure produ
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure product consistency from
Motory NTM Prop Drive jsou kvalitní a trvanlivé motory s oběžným pláštěm, které mají pevné vinutí, kvalitní ložiska, správně rozmístěné a pečlivě vybrané magnety, vyvážený stator a navíc procházejí čtrnáctibodovou kontrolou kvalityv celém procesu výroby - od výběru materiálu až po závěrečné výkonové testy.
Protože návrh a výroba těchto motorů probíhá na jednom místě (od 2D/3D návrhu, přes výběr materiálů, obrábění, vyvažování, finální sestavení a testování), jsme schopni kontrolovat kvalitu všech výrobních kroků tak, aby k zákazníkovi od
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure product consistency from
NTM Prop Drive motors are rock-solid performance outrunners with tight windings, quality bearings, correctly rated magnets, balanced stator and flux rings, tool-steel shafts plus they are QC checked at 14 points, from material processing all the way through to final dyno test.
Because we design and build these motors completely in-house (from 3D/2D drawing to materials sourcing, machining, balancing, final assembly and dyno) we can completely control production and ensure produ