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Micro Fournier RF-4D 800mm (PNF)
Kód zb.: OR646-4m
Cena: 2668.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 9 ks

Micro Fournier RF-4D 800mm (PNF)

This superb Micro Fournier is made from tough EPO foam and is a super fast build, the servos, motor and ESC are all pre-fitted, decals are pre-applied, even the tail is pre-fitted, to get into the air and flying, you simply bolt on the wing, set up your radio and fly! There is loads of power from the brushless motor for easy hand-launching and flown WOT, this super scale micro zips along, however, courtesy of the large wing area, the Fournier is quite happy flown slowly, it wil

Boeing P-26A Peashooter EPO 800mm (PNF)
Kód zb.: PQ911-et
Cena: 4236.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na objednání do 1

Boeing P-26A Peashooter EPO 800mm (PNF)

The Boeing P-26 was the first American all-metal production fighter aircraft and was the firstpursuit monoplane used by the United States Army Air Corps. Designed and built by Boeing,the prototype first flew in 1932 and became one of the front line fighters used by the USAACbetween 1933 – 1938. Notably, the P-26A was still in use with the U.S. Army Air Corps as late as 1941 in the Philippines. The diminutive "Peashooter" — as it became affectionately known by service pilo

PBY Catalina 1380mm (PNF)
Kód zb.: OX885-4h
Cena: 3686.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 ks

PBY Catalina 1380mm (PNF)

Catalina je bezesporu nejznámější hydroplán, který byl kdy postavený a zcela určitě jeden z nejvíce rozšířených - tato letecká ikona létala před i po 2. světové válce v civilním i vojenském nasazení. Tento úžasný letoun byl používaný jako požární letadlo, jako "lovec ponorek", jako záchranný letoun a to není zdaleka kompletní výčet jeho činností. Předkládáme vám velký model ve stupni předzpracování Plug-N-Fly, který má velmi nízké plošné zatížení a který je schopný startovat z vodní hladiny i s posečeného trávníku, jehož pilotáž je velmi snadn

Durafly DH-88 Comet 1100mm w/retracts & lights (PNF)
Kód zb.: EF309-ps
Cena: 5658.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na objednání do 1

Durafly DH-88 Comet 1100mm w/retracts & lights (PNF)

The De Havilland DH-88 Comet was designed to win the 1934 MacRobertson Air Race from England to Melbourne in Australia, the beautifully sleek Comet not only won this event but went on to set several records. Several Comets were built for the race but the striking scarlet "Grosvenor House" comet won comfortably in a time of 70 hours and 55 minutes. It would be fair to say that the DH-88 is probably

Predator UAV 74in Spy Plane ARF
Kód zb.: XY023-gd
Cena: 2648.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

Predator UAV 74in Spy Plane ARF

Predator UAV 74in Spy Plane ARF The Predator scale model is as easy to fly as it is awe-inspiring to watch circle above, easy to build, this is an excellent park flyer.Set it up with a 400 size or 150-200W motor with a pusher prop and you have a stable flying topic of discussion at your next club day. Watch people run for cover in fear of a pending missile attack with the Predator! Model comes with detailed instructions. Specification: Wing Span: 74in Wing Area: 370sq in Weig




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