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Turnigy 3800mAh 3S 20C LiFe Pack (Long)
Kód zb.: HK086-f0
Cena: 1409.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 5 ks

Turnigy 3800mAh 3S 20C LiFe Pack (Long)

The new number one in performance and price! Turnigy LiFe packs deliver full capacity at the said C rate. You wont find a better deal in LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries anywhere! Specification: Minimum Capacity: 3800mAh Configuration: 3S1P / 9.9V / 3Cell Constant Discharge: 20C Peak Discharge (10sec): 30C Pack Weight: 403g Pack Size: 180 x 42 x 28mm Charge Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 4mm Bullet-connector

ZIPPY Flightmax 8400mAh 4S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: FZ946-kp
Cena: 3610.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 8400mAh 4S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 8400mAh Voltage: 4S2P / 13.2V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Weight: 1026g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 150mm x 52mm x 70mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector

ZIPPY Flightmax 4200mAh 3S1P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: HR791-023
Cena: 1480.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 6 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 4200mAh 3S1P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 4200mAh Voltage: 3S1P / 9.9V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Max Charge Rate: 2C Weight: 389g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 140mm x 51mm x 26mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector

ZIPPY Flightmax 2500mAh 6.6V 5C LiFePo4 Receiver Pack
Kód zb.: LZ091-rc
Cena: 482.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 2500mAh 6.6V 5C LiFePo4 Receiver Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFe batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! The Zippy Flightmax 2500mAh LiFe Receiver pack provides unequalled voltage stability and lighter weight than stock receiver batteries. Ideal for the latest high torque, high speed servos that require more current. Specification: Capacity: 2500mAh Voltage: 6.6V

GENUINE A123 Systems 26650A LiFePo4 Cell w/ tabs
Kód zb.: IA563-68
Cena: 636.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 8 ks

GENUINE A123 Systems 26650A LiFePo4 Cell w/ tabs

Specifikace: Nenechte se prosím splést čínskými napodobeninami. Toto je skutečný A123 článek. Vezměte prosím na zřetel, že všechny baterie, prodávané na čínském lokálním trhu, jsou napodobeniny. A123 neprodává své baterie na lokálním čínském trhu. Pokud máte pochyby, kontaktujte A123 (617-778-5575) a potvrďte si pravost. Díky použití patentované nano technologie, nabízejí tyto baterie některé výhody oproti LiPo bateriím- Bezpečnost, rychlejší nabíjení, počet nabíjecích cyklů, prodlouženou skladovací životnost, pevné

ZIPPY Flightmax 8400mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: QD382-1u
Cena: 1448.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 8400mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 8400mAh Voltage: 2S2P / 6.6V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Weight: 519g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 146mm x 35mm x 52mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector

ZIPPY Flightmax 2100mAh 2S1P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: ZW100-s7
Cena: 578.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 9 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 2100mAh 2S1P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 2100mAh Voltage: 2S1P / 6.6V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Weight: 150g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 135mm x 12mm x 45mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: XT-60

Turnigy 4500mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: RS268-pz
Cena: 1048.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

Turnigy 4500mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

TURNIGY LiFePo4 flat packs. Delivering rock solid performance and durability. Specification: Minimum Capacity: 4500mAh Configuration: 2S2P / 6.6V / 4Cell Constant Discharge: 30C Peak Discharge (10sec): 40C Pack Weight: 317g Pack Size: 139 x 44 x 25mm Charge Plug: JST-XH Discharge plug: 4mm Bullet-connector

ZIPPY Flightmax 4200mAh 3S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: CP182-hd
Cena: 1272.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 4200mAh 3S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 4200mAh Voltage: 3S1P / 9.9V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Max Charge Rate: 2C Weight: 424g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 140mm x 45mm x 34mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector

A123-3.3VB Lithium Ion 2300Ah Single Cell Battery
Kód zb.: CD581-pv
Cena: 349.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 7 ks

A123-3.3VB Lithium Ion 2300Ah Single Cell Battery

OlevinPower LiIon jednočlánková baterie 3.3 V s kapacitou 2300 AhIdeální pro vytváření vlastních akupacků nebo pro aplikace kde je vyžadována odolnost vůči vysokým vybíjecím proudůmOlevinPower nabízí originální Enerland LiIon A123 články. Specifikace: Nominální napětí: 3.3V Nominální kapacita: 2.3Ah Standardní nabíjení: 3.6A Max. nabíjení: 10C Max. přípustné nabíjecí napětí: 4.2V Max. vybíjení: 30C (Trvalé) Špičkové vybíjení: 60C Hmotnost: 70g Rozměry: 66.5 x 26 mm Poznámka: Jedná se o originální A123 článek.

ZIPPY Flightmax 3600mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: VK271-vd
Cena: 698.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 5 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 3600mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 3600mAh Voltage: 2S2P - 6.6V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Weight: 262g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 139mm x 21mm x 45mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector

ZIPPY Compact 8400mAh 4S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack w/XT90
Kód zb.: NT740-zp
Cena: 4303.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 6 ks

ZIPPY Compact 8400mAh 4S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack w/XT90

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 8400mAh Voltage: 4S2P / 13.2V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Weight: 935g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 145mm x 51mm x 72mm Balance Plug: JST-XH

Zippy Flightmax 1100mAh 6.6v LiFePo4 2S1P Receiver Pack
Kód zb.: EC133-m9
Cena: 232.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 7 ks

Zippy Flightmax 1100mAh 6.6v LiFePo4 2S1P Receiver Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFe batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! The Zippy Flightmax 1100mAh LiFe Receiver pack provides unequalled voltage stability and lighter weight than stock receiver batteries. Ideal for the latest high torque, high speed servos that require more current. Specification: Capacity: 1100mAh Voltage: 6.6V

PQ-2300RX 2S1P 6.6V (PQ, JR, Deans)
Kód zb.: AS315-8h
Cena: 1234.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 7 ks

PQ-2300RX 2S1P 6.6V (PQ, JR, Deans)

Polyquest 2300mAh 2S1P Lithium Ion/A123 Receiver Pack Specification: Capacity: 2300mAh Voltage: 6.6V Constant discharge: 6-10C Burst discharge: N/A Weight: 183g Size: 70 x 53 x 30mm JR & Deans Discharge plug Comes with 15cm discharge wire

ZIPPY Flightmax 4200mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack
Kód zb.: LQ847-5q
Cena: 851.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 6 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 4200mAh 2S2P 30C LiFePo4 Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFePo4 flat Pack batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! Specification: Capacity: 4200mAh Voltage: 2S2P / 6.6V Discharge: 30C Constant / 40C Burst Max Charge Rate: 2C Weight: 287g (including wire, plug & case) Dimensions: 137mm x 45mm x 23mm Balance Plug: JST-XH Discharge Plug: 5.5mm Bullet-Connector




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