10S 8S 7S 6S 5S 4S 3S 2S 1S

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NE-B918 120mAh 1S 10C (V2) OEM Replacement for: NE4950001
Kód zb.: WH721-80
Cena: 79.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 8 ks

NE-B918 120mAh 1S 10C (V2) OEM Replacement for: NE4950001

Excellent for the Nine Eagle Solo Pro or similar. Specification: Capacity: 120~138mAh Voltage: 1S / 1 Cell / 3.7V Discharge: 10C Constant Weight: 3.7g (including balance & discharge plug) Dimensions: 35x12x6mm Balance & Discharge Plug: JST-XH Other vendors may mark this battery with a fake Nine Eagles sticker. This is an OEM replacement for the Nine Eagles part: NE4950001 For the original Nine

ZIPPY Flightmax 5000mAh 3S1P 15C
Kód zb.: TD196-yc
Cena: 1202.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 8 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 5000mAh 3S1P 15C

Baterie Zippy od Flightmaxu přinášejí vysokou kapacitu a možnost použítíi pro velké vybíjecí proudy - to z nich dělá bateries nejlepším poměrem cena/výkon na současném modelářském trhu! Specifikace: Kapacita: 5000 mAh Napětí: 3S1P/3 články/11.1 V Vybíjecí proud: 15C konstantní/20-22C maximální Hmotnost: 364 g (včetně vodičů, konektorů a obalu) Rozměry: 144x50x23 mm Balanční konektor: JST-XH Nabíjecí konektor: 4 mm konektor

Turnigy nano-tech 1200mah 2S 15~25C Lipo AIRSOFT Pack
Kód zb.: FZ743-bp
Cena: 403.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 7 ks

Turnigy nano-tech 1200mah 2S 15~25C Lipo AIRSOFT Pack

When it comes to putting rounds down range, no one wants to compromise on fire power!Thats why the legendary Turnigy nano-tech batteries are now available for Airsoft combat.Higher motor RPM, less voltage sag and extended operating times equal better performance from your weapon of choice. The nano-tech Airsoft series also feature 5C charge ratings putting you back on the front line faster!

Turnigy nano-tech 650mAh 15c Round Lipo
Kód zb.: FB330-m8
Cena: 140.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

Turnigy nano-tech 650mAh 15c Round Lipo

The Turnigy nano-tech round single cell series are the perfect solution for many applications where space and weight are at a premium. These round Lipoly Cells can be soldered together to make compact RX packs for instance in a configuration and capacity that is perfectly suited to your application while giving you the peace of mind of nano-tech performance More than just a fancy name. TURNIGY nano-tech lithium polymer batteries are built with an LiCo nano-technology substrate

Turnigy nano-tech 350mah 1S 15C Round Lipo
Kód zb.: JF927-nx
Cena: 88.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 8 ks

Turnigy nano-tech 350mah 1S 15C Round Lipo

The Turnigy nano-tech round single cell series are the perfect solution for many applications where space and weight are at a premium. These round Lipoly Cells can be soldered together to make compact RX packs for instance in a configuration and capacity that is perfectly suited to your application while giving you the peace of mind of nano-tech performance More than just a fancy name. TURNIGY nano-tech lithium polymer batteries are built with an LiCo nano-technology substrate

Turnigy nano-tech 1000mah 1S 15C Round Lipo
Kód zb.: GX465-1z
Cena: 157.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 7 ks

Turnigy nano-tech 1000mah 1S 15C Round Lipo

The Turnigy nano-tech round single cell series are the perfect solution for many applications where space and weight are at a premium. These round Lipoly Cells can be soldered together to make compact RX packs for instance in a configuration and capacity that is perfectly suited to your application while giving you the peace of mind of nano-tech performance More than just a fancy name. TURNIGY nano-tech lithium polymer batteries are built with an LiCo nano-technology substrate

PQ-2300RX 2S1P 6.6V (PQ, JR, Deans)
Kód zb.: AS315-8h
Cena: 1234.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 7 ks

PQ-2300RX 2S1P 6.6V (PQ, JR, Deans)

Polyquest 2300mAh 2S1P Lithium Ion/A123 Receiver Pack Specification: Capacity: 2300mAh Voltage: 6.6V Constant discharge: 6-10C Burst discharge: N/A Weight: 183g Size: 70 x 53 x 30mm JR & Deans Discharge plug Comes with 15cm discharge wire

Turnigy 1450mAh 3S 11.1v Transmitter Lipoly Pack
Kód zb.: EH529-3i
Cena: 344.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 10 ks

Turnigy 1450mAh 3S 11.1v Transmitter Lipoly Pack

Nahraďte NiMH, NiCD články ve Vaší vysílačce nabíjecí Li-pol baterii - vydrží několikanásobně delší dobu. Určeno především pro nabíječe s konektory Futaba,JR ,Spektrum Specifikace: kapacita: 1450mAh napětí: 11,1V váha: 95g rozměry: 93x40x14mm konektory: Futaba JST-XH, JR/Spektrum

ZIPPY Flightmax 2500mAh 6.6V 5C LiFePo4 Receiver Pack
Kód zb.: LZ091-rc
Cena: 482.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

ZIPPY Flightmax 2500mAh 6.6V 5C LiFePo4 Receiver Pack

Zippy Flightmax LiFe batteries deliver full capacity & discharge as well as being the best value batteries in the hobby market today! The Zippy Flightmax 2500mAh LiFe Receiver pack provides unequalled voltage stability and lighter weight than stock receiver batteries. Ideal for the latest high torque, high speed servos that require more current. Specification: Capacity: 2500mAh Voltage: 6.6V

Nine Eagles replacement High-Cap 150mAh 1S LiPo
Kód zb.: ZX245-4q
Cena: 124.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 12+ ks

Nine Eagles replacement High-Cap 150mAh 1S LiPo

Náhradní vysokokapacitní LiPo baterie pro modely letadel a vrtulníků značky Nine Eagles Specifikace: Kapacita: 150-160 mAh Napětí: 1 článek, 3.7 V Vybíjecí proud: 10 C trvale Hmotnost: 4.2 g (včetně balančního a silového konektoru) Rozměry: 46 x 12 x 6 mm Balanční a silový konektor: JST-XH




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