Turnigy Ni-ZN (Nickel-Zinc) batteries offer high voltage and excellent cycle life when compared with Ni-CD/Ni-MH batteries.
The nominal voltage of these Turnigy Ni-ZN cells is 1.6V compared to that of only 1.2V with Ni-CD/Ni-MH. This means more power for your device and longer usable capacity. Our Ni-ZN cells provide on average 50% more usable capacity per cycle compared to a standard Ni-CD/Ni-MH cell of the same rated capacity.
Capacity: 1500mAh
Voltage: 4.8V
Používejte tuto vhodnou nabíječku k znovunabití až 4 NIZN AA baterií najednou.
Tato nabíječka přestane automaticky nabíjet, jakmile dosáhnou baterie plné kapacity.
*Obsahuje také AC napájecí kabel pro zásuvky používané v EU,
na obrázku je napájecí kabel pro USA, v dodávce bude pro EU.
Vstupní napětí: 100 ~ 240V AC
Výstup: 1.9V DC @ 1.5A
Turnigy Ni-ZN (Nickel-Zinc) batteries offer high voltage and excellent cycle life when compared with Ni-CD/Ni-MH batteries.
The nominal voltage of these Turnigy Ni-ZN cells is 1.6V compared to that of only 1.2V with Ni-CD/Ni-MH. This means more power for your device and longer usable capacity. Our Ni-ZN cells provide on average 50% more usable capacity per cycle compared to a standard Ni-CD/Ni-MH cell of the same rated capacity.
Capacity: 1500mAh
Voltage: 4.8V
Turnigy Ni-ZN (Nickel-Zinc) batteries offer high voltage and excellent cycle life when compared with Ni-CD/Ni-MH batteries.
The nominal voltage of these Turnigy Ni-ZN cells is 1.6V compared to that of only 1.2V with Ni-CD/Ni-MH. This means more power for your device and longer usable capacity. Our Ni-ZN cells provide on average 50% more usable capacity per cycle compared to a standard Ni-CD/Ni-