Electronics Kits
Robot Parts
The Arduino V0.3 XBee PRO shield features a stackable design which makes it more convenient to connect with other expansion boards. It solves the problem of the previous version not being able to match some other expansion boards.
• This Arduino XBee shield allows the Arduino to communicate wirelessly over a modified ZigBee protocol using the popular XBee module.
• It is a fully As
This 10DOF sensor breakout is a very small sensor board with 10 degrees of freedom.It includes the ADXL345 accelerometer, HMC5883L magnetometer, BMP085 and the L3G4200D gyro.This break has a simple I2C interface and a mounting hole for fixing to your multi-project.
The ADXL345 is a small, thin, ultra-low power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16 g.Digit
This LCD module uses a 128x64 liquid crystal display which can support Chinese characters, English characters and even graphics. It is suitable for interactive work with Arduino. It features a backlit display, parallel or serial control, adjustable contrast and more. It can be connect to an interface shield via IDC6 socket and cables.
The LCD is shipped in parallel mode in default. The R9 is used to set the interface mode. To switch to SPI mode, the R9 resistor needs to be moved
Deska LCD a klávesnice (s konektory typu samec) pro Arduino sestává z modrého LCD displeje 16x2 a šesti tlačítek - zleva doprava jsou to tlačítka SELECT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT a RESET. Deska může být osazena přímo do řídící desky Arduino Duemilanove, bez potřeby pájení. Jako interface do LCD slouží piny 5, 6, 7, 8 a 9.
Dobře čitelný modrý LCD displej 16x2
Nastavitelný kontrast
Modulární konstrukce a snadná rozšiřitelnost
Použité modifikované rozhraní LCD4Bit
Modifikované rozhraní LCD4Bit:
V zájmu zachování budoucí použitelnosti SPI portů, byly dig
This 10DOF sensor breakout is a very small sensor board with 10 degrees of freedom.It includes the ADXL345 accelerometer, HMC5883L magnetometer, BMP085 and the L3G4200D gyro.This break has a simple I2C interface and a mounting hole for fixing to your multi-project.
The ADXL345 is a small, thin, ultra-low power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16 g.Digit
Arduino Sensor Shield V4.0 umožňuje "plug and play" propojení různých modulů, jako jsou senzory,serva, relé, tlačítka, potenciometry atd. Každý funkční modul má k dispozici ports VCC, GND, propojený s odpovídajícím IO portem na desce Arduino Sensor Shield,který umožňuje propojení 2.54mm kabelem samice-samice.
- Plug & play.
- Provozní napětí: 5V stejnosměrných
- Vstupní napětí (doporučené): 7-12V stejnosměrných
- Vstupní napětí (limitní): 6-20V stejnosměrné
- Analogové porty: Pevně spojené s šesti analogovými vstup
Mr. General is a general purpose robot platform designed to allow students to easily build their first robot. The bread board provides a solder free method of connecting almost any processor to Mr. General’s sensors and servos.
Using 2 servos modified for continuous rotation, speed and direction of both wheels can be controlled using only 2 digital outputs. The 4 infrared sensors on the base can be used as analog or digital inputs for either edge detection or obstacle avoidance
This LED PCB features a blue strobe LED and a continuous white LED. These LEDs are ultra-
bright and easy to use. Simply mount the PCB to your model and connect the wire lead to a
3.3~5.5V DC power source. Features a pre-installed JR style plug for easy "plug and play"
compatibility with most standard receivers.
Power Supply: 3.3~5.5V DC
Consumption Current, ON Mode: 25mA
Arduino MQ-2 Gas Sensor, Smoke, Methane, Butane Detection
Operating Voltage: 5V
Arduino NANO Expansion Board
This is a 9DOF ArduIMU includes three sensors - an ITG-3205 (triple-axis gyro), ADXL345 (triple-axis accelerometer), and HMC5883L (triple-axis magnetometer). This board comes programmed with the 5V/16MHz Arduino Pro mini328 bootloader, simply connect to the serial TX and RX pins with a 5V FTDI Basic Breakout.
The outputs of all sensors are processed by an on-board ATmega328 and output over a se
These DIY PCB bread boards are perfect for builidng your own electronics projects.
They are built from quality materials and feature gold plated contacts.
Dimensions: 57x45x2mm
Weight: 7g
USBtinyISP V2.0 (Arduino-kompatibilní) je ISP downloader pro AVR mikrokontroléry založené na rozhraní USB.Lze jej použít pro většinu AVR procerorů. V Arduino IDE, USBtinyISP je downloader,který je podporován v každém okamžiku, což je jednoduché a pohodlné použití.
Rozměry: 49 x 48 x 12 mm
Hmotnost: 17.3g
This is a breakout board for InvenSense ITG-3205, a groundbreaking triple-axis, digital output gyroscope.The ITG-3205 is the world’s first single-chip, digital-output, 3-axis MEMS gyro IC optimized for gaming, 3D mice, and 3D remote control applications. The part features enhanced bias and sensitivity temperature stability, reducing the need for user calibration. Low frequency noise is lower t
The HKPilot Mega 2.5 is a complete open source autopilot system featuring the best selling technology. This version is ready to use, with no assembly required. It allows the user to turn any fixed wing, rotary wing or multi-rotor vehicle (even boats and car) into a fully autonomous vehicle capable of performing programmed GPS missions with waypoints (GPS module required - sold separately).