This 4WD Chassis is simple yet versatile robot chassis designed specifically for students and hobbyist. Featuring large size chassis plates cut from acrylic and designed with numerous holes and mounting points, providing plenty of space to carry a PCB board and any additional components that you choose. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
This kit includes all of the parts needed to assemble the chassis as well
as a 4xAA battery holder and four gear motors w
Mr. General is a general purpose robot platform designed to allow students to easily build their first robot. The bread board provides a solder free method of connecting almost any processor to Mr. General’s sensors and servos.
Using 2 servos modified for continuous rotation, speed and direction of both wheels can be controlled using only 2 digital outputs. The 4 infrared sensors on the base can be used as analog or digital inputs for either edge detection or obstacle avoidance
This simple and versatile Robotic Grappler is a perfect upgrade for anyone who wants to take
their robotic project to the next step. Featuring a strong steel framework, heavy duty doublegear trains for the arm and grappler, “H” bridge driven motors, 2DOF large steel grappler and silicone
rubber grip pads. The Robotic Grappler is capable of picking up cans, cups, bottles and many
other things.
The Arduino compatible Robotic Grappler is not only programmable but offer loads o
This Aluminum 4WD Chassis is a simple yet versatile robot chassis designed specifically for students and hobbyist. Featuring a heavy duty anodized aluminum chassis designed with large internal volume, numerous holes and mounting points, providing plenty of space to carry a PCB board and any additional components that you choose. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
This kit contains the following:
Aluminum 4WD Chassis
6x AA Battery Holder
4x Gear Motors
4x 65