Nabíječky Baterii
Výměné přívodní kabely
Balancer vývody
Nabíječky - příslušenství
Baterie redukce
Napájecí Zdroje
Výběr nabíječky záleží na používaných bateriích v vašich modelech, jak na počet článků tak na typu baterie. V dnešní době nabíječky se neskládají jen z nabíječky ale i s balancéru to se používá při nabíjení baterií Li-Po, Li-Fe kde je potřeba hlídat každý článek zvlášť aby nedocházelo k jeho přebíjení a tím i přehřátí.
The Turnigy UP610 200W Smart Charger is a small, compact DC charger that can be powered from a large LiPo battery or a DC charger. This means it is highly portable and great for use out at the local park.
This charger utilizes advanced synchronous DC power conversion technology to achieve an efficiency rating of over 90%. This provides energy savings through efficiency, reduced heat build-up, and the ability to produce a small, compact and conveniently mobile charging device.
Capable of charging any size Lipoly battery up to 8 cells or at 7A.
The ECO-EIGHT includes Auto current detect and temp, amp, voltage safety features to prevent over-charging. The ECO-EIGHT includes an array of charging plugs and wires to suit almost any application and comes with JST-XH balancing plugs so you can charge and balance your ZIPPY/TURNIGY packs easily.
Input power is 11-18v, perfect f
The Turnigy Accucel 6 Zůstatek nabíječka využívá kvalitu FET a odpory přesně rovnováhu a nabíjení Lithium Polymer a NiMH baterií.
The Accucel-6 se bude zabývat LiPo / LiFe až 6S a NiMH / NiCd až 15S a ukazuje jednotlivé buňky napětí při nabíjení s realtime aktualizace po celou dobu nabíjecího cyklu.
Systému intuitivní nabídky se rozumí vyměřování a jízda na kole je jednoduchý proces a může být provedeno rychle a přesně to buď na pole pomoc
A high powered charger, capable of handling up to 200W or 10A charge rates. Lipoly, LiFe and Lilo compatible as well as able to charge up to 10 cell packs.
The iCharger is famous for its ultra-accurate balancing feature. Each unit is calibrated at the factory prior to shipping!
This is a quality precision charger.
Maximum charge power capacity : 300W (@ input voltage > 13.5V)
Charge current range : 0.05¨C10.0A
Discharge current range : 0.05¨C7.0A
Input voltage r
Futaba 220 Volt AC overnight battery charger Charges transmitter and receiver packs simultaneously or separately. Two red lights to indicate charge for the transmitter and receiver battery respectively. It comes with charger Leads for Futaba "JR" Connector Receiver Battery and Transmitter Charge Plug.
Battery type: Ni-xx
Input : 230V AC 50Hz 7W
Output-Transmitter: 7.2V DC, 170ma
Receiver: 4.8V DC, 150ma
Weight: 373g
Nabíječkou HobbyKing Quattro 4x6 lze nabíjet čtyři baterie současně bez ohledu na typ.Nabíječka Quattro 4x6 je osazená čtyřmi vysoce výkonnými mikroprocesory pro samostatné nabíjení každé baterie.Její účinný chladicí systém zajišťuje bezpečný provoz během celého procesu nabíjení nebo vybíjení. S Quattro4x6 jste schopni balancovat LiPo baterii na portu 1, zatímco na portu 2 současně nabíjíte LiFePo4 nebo NiMH baterie.Všechny porty pracují nezávisle.
Provozní napětí: stejnosměrné 11 ~ 15 V
Napájení: 12 V DC
The ALL NEW Turnigy 10XC is designed to provide a whopping 10A max current output, and 400W of power (rated @30V DC input when charging a 10s Lipoly battery) - all while maintaining a compact size, and available at an extremely competitive price. You will be hard-pressed to find a safer, faster, more-complete solution to meet your charging needs in the 400W class. Supporting manual charge currents
The HK-3x4 is the perfect balance charger for anyone who uses 3S Lipoly batteries frequently. The large, easy to read, back lit LCD provides up to the minute charging information for each cell on up to 4 packs all on the same screen, no need to scroll between screens to see the voltage for each cell during charging.
Max Total Power: 200w
Max Total Amps: 16Amp
Balance precision: 10mv
Input Voltage: 13.5~24v DC
Charge Current: 0.5~4.0Amp (each Battery)
Charging Por
A brilliantly handy device either in the workshop or in the field, the Hobbyking PowerStrip
allows you to run up to 5 seperate chargers/12v power tools/whatever you fancy from a single power supply, ideal & safe for multiple charging, safe as in not a spiders nest of wires and dodgy croc clips all hanging together a mere hairs breadth away from a short circuit, yeah, we have all done it at some ti
Hobbyking XD-6 can charge four different or the same type batteries packs simultaneously!
A quality designed charger with accurate balancing and a familiar, intuitive menu system.
The Hobbyking XD-6 is equipped with 4 high accuracy microprocessors to charge each battery individually, as well as four charging displays on two screens. Its efficient twin-fan cooling system ensures safe operation thro
Tired of carrying two chargers to the field? Need serious charging power without the hassle of multiple chargers? Then the Turnigy Mega 200Wx2 is the charger you have been waiting for!
This charger features dual 200w outputs, that’s 400w of total charging power! Each output is independent and 2 JST-XH balance boards have been included for balancing Li-XX batteries. A temperature sensor has also
JR 100 Volt AC overnight battery charger Charges transmitter and receiver packs simultaneously or separately. Two red lights to indicate charge for the transmitter and receiver battery respectively. It comes with charger Leads for "JR" Connector Receiver Battery and Transmitter Charge Plug.
Battery type: Ni-xx
Input : 100~240V AC 50/60Hz
Output-Transmitter: 11.6V DC, 150ma
The HobbyKing HKC6 charger/balancer features programing functionality found in more expensive chargers at a fraction of the cost. Includes plugs and leads as shown.
Microprocessor controlled
Delta-peak sensitivity (NiMH/NiCd)
Individual cell balancing
Li-ion, LiPo and LiFe capable
Ni-Cd and NiMH capable
Store function, allows safe storage current
Fast charge Function
Data store/load
Backlit LCD
Internal resistance checker
Operating voltage range: 10.0~
Tento napájecí zdroj dává konstantní napětí 12V a proud 5A. Může být připojený k vaší zásuvce 110/240V doma nebo v kanceláři-vše co potřebujete je standardní napájecí kabel, stejný jako u běžného PC, který seženete v každém obchodě s počítači (i když je pravděpodobné, že již nějaký ve vaší domácnosti máte).
Vstup: 110/240V 50/60Hz střídavé napětí
Výstup: 12V a 5A
Splńuje podmínky FCC a CE certifikátu
The HobbyKing B3AC Compact Charger is a simple and compact Lipoly blanace charger for 2~3s batteries. Featuring built in JST-XH balance plug ports and 3 LEDs to indicate charge status the HobbyKing B3AC makes an ideal pocket sized charger to keep in your field box .
Input: 110v or 240v A/C (50/60Hz)
Cell Count: 2~3s
Battery Type: Lithium Polymer
Output Current: 3 x 800mA
Dimensions: 95 x 55 x 32mm