RC Sailboat-Phantom
With its huge sail bright colours and carbon fibre effect hull, this is a very striking and fast R/C Yacht.
All required items are installed, including mainsail winch, steering servo and all rigging,sail and hardware. All you need to do is add your own receiver and battery!
Boat hull is based entirely on a racing yacht and moulded in fibreglass with a perfect gelcoat and enamel painted carbon fibre effect finish.
In a stiff breeze these boats can be extremely q
RC Plachetnice Discovery 500
Krásně zpracovaná RC plachetnice, plně osazená a připravená k plavbě.
Vše potřebné je nainstalováno, včetně navijáku hlavní plachty, serva kormidla a všech lan a plachet a ostatního příslušenství.Stačí pouze vložit vlastní přijímač a baterii!
Trup modelu vychází z tvarů námořní závodní jachty a je vyrobený ze sklolaminátu s perfektní povrchovou úpravou.
Nanechte se mýlit - tyto lodě rozhodně nejsou pomalé a líné.
V silném větru mohou být velmi rychlé a obratné a jízda s nimi je velmi vzrušující.
Stavebnice je dodávaná zcela do
RC Sailboat-Monsoon
A beautifully crafted R/C sailboat, fully built and ready to run.
All required items are installed, including mainsail winch, steering servo and all rigging, sail and hardware.All you need to do is add your own receiver and battery!
Boat hull is based entirely on an ocean going racing yacht and moulded in fibreglass with a perfect gelcoat and enamel painted finish.
Dont be mistaken in thinking these boats are slow and boaring.
In a stiff breeze they can be ext
Gemini 600 je RC katamaran poháněný elektromotorem, plně osazený a připravený k plavbě.Model je vyrobený ze sklolaminátu s perfektní povrchovou úpravou a je osazený řiditelnými plachtami. Gemini je vybavený motorem třídy 380 a servem kormidla.Stačí pouze vložit vlastní přijímač a baterii a můžete plachtit!Ideální model pro vstup do světa RC katamaranů díky větší jistotě, kterou vám dává nainstalovaný motor, ale model nezklame ani zkušené námořníky,kteří hledají něco jiného, než běžnou plachetnici.
Délka: 6
Sail Winch Servo 13kg / 0.7sec (360deg) / 55g
Weight: 55g
Dimensions: 40.5 x 20.2 x 38mm
Speed: 0.9sec / 360deg (4.8v) - 0.7sec / 360deg (6.0v)
Torque: 11kg.cm (4.8v) - 13kg.com (6.0v)
Operating voltage: 4.8 - 6.0V
Gear train: Metal
SW5513-4MA sailwinch Servo
Turn: 4T
Operating Temperature Range: -10°C ~ +60°C
Operating Voltage Range: 4.8~6V
Speed(4.8V): 1.1sec/360
Speed(6.0V): 0.9sec/360
Torque(4.8V): 9.24kg.cm
Torque(6.0V): 10.63kg.cm
Running Current: 0.11~0.12A (at no load)
Working Current: 0.30~0.35A
Stall Current: 0.86~1.05A
Size: 40.5X20.2X38mm
Weight: 55g
Gears: metal gears
Connector Wire Length: JR 265 mm
SW4805-6PA sailwinch servo
Turn: 6T
Operating Temperature Range: -10°C ~ +60°C
Operating Voltage Range: 4.8~6V
Speed(4.8V): 0.9sec/360
Speed(6.0V): 0.7sec/360
Torque(4.8V): 5.25kg.cm
Torque(6.0V): 6.13kg.cm
Size: 40.5X20.2X38mm
Weight: 45g
Gears: heavy duty resin (plastic)
Connector Wire Length: JR 265 mm
SW4805-4PA sailwinch servo
Turn: 4T
Operating Temperature Range: -10°C ~ +60°C
Operating Voltage Range: 4.8~6V
Speed(4.8V): 0.9sec/360
Speed(6.0V): 0.7sec/360
Torque(4.8V): 5.25kg.cm
Torque(6.0V): 6.13kg.cm
Size: 40.5X20.2X38mm
Weight: 45g
Gears: heavy duty resin (plastic)
Connector Wire Length: JR 265 mm
RC Sailboat-Surmount
A beautifully crafted R/C sailboat, fully built and ready to run.
All required items are installed, including mainsail winch, steering servo and all rigging, sail and hardware.All you need to do is add your own receiver and battery!
Boat hull is based entirely on an ocean going racing yacht and moulded in fibreglass with a perfect gelcoat and enamel painted finish.
Dont be mistaken in thinking these boats are slow and boaring.
In a stiff breeze they can be ext
Turnigy 610mm Fiberglass Racing Yacht
A beautifully crafted R/C sailboat, highy pre-assembled and Almost Ready To Run.
All required items are installed, including mainsail winch, steering servo, all rigging and hardware.
All you need to do is spend a few minutes assembly time on the bench,
add your own receiver/battery and your ready to go!
Boat hull is based on an ocean going racing yacht a