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Hobbyking KK2.0 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board
Kód zb.: YZ227-iz
Cena: 993.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 1 - 2 ks

Hobbyking KK2.0 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board

KK2.0 byl navržen od základu tak, aby mohl létat s multicopterami každý. Díky LCD obrazovce je instalace a nastavení jednodušší, než kdy jindy. Letové typy multi-copter jsou již předinstalovány. Jednoduše vyberete letový typ, zkontrolujete správné rozložení motorů, směr vrtulí, zkalibrujete a můžete letět! Původní KK gyroskop je nahrazen neuvěřitelně citlivým dvojčipovým 3-osým gyroskopem a jednočipovým 3-osým akcelerometrem. Srdcem KK2.0 je Atmel Mega324PA 8-bit AVR RISC mikroprocesor s 32kB pamětí. Do KK2.0 byly přidány

Arkbird Autopilot System w/OSD (GPS/Altitude Hold/Auto-Level)
Kód zb.: OP263-v0
Cena: 5871.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 4 ks

Arkbird Autopilot System w/OSD (GPS/Altitude Hold/Auto-Level)

The Arkbird Autopilot System w/OSD is an all-in-one solution for your FPV models navigation. This unit is loaded with features such as GPS waypoint flight, "Return to Home" functionality, auto-leveling, altitude hold and much more! It utilizes GPS, barometer and attitude sensors to stabilize/control your models flight. Worried about losing control of your FPV model when flying out of sight? W

FY-901 Multi-Rotor Flight Stabilization Controller (w/Self-Leveling)
Kód zb.: VM309-gn
Cena: 3312.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 8 ks

FY-901 Multi-Rotor Flight Stabilization Controller (w/Self-Leveling)

FY-901 je inerciální stabilizační systém pro multikoptéry. Díky současné instalaci tříosého gyroskopu a tříosého akcelerometru nabízí tato řídící deska pokročilé řešení "vše v jednom" pro velmi stabilní let jakékoliv multikoptéry! FY-901 nabízí dva letové režimy, které mohou být přepínány pomocí RC soupravy i během letu: Auto-stabilizační režim: V tomto režimu je využívaný tříosý akcelerometr pro autostabilizaci modelu tak, aby ramena multikoptéry byla vždy v jejich neutrální poloze. Tento režim je skvělý pro po

F-TEK OSD Video Overlay Module w/GPS
Kód zb.: BL889-3c
Cena: 3709.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 9 ks

F-TEK OSD Video Overlay Module w/GPS

The F-TEK OSD overlays flight telemetry information onto your video image. The telemetry information displayed includes flight altitude, flight speed, flight direction, homedirection, GPS positioning and more. You also can save the telemetry information to a MICRO SD card (available separately). The F-TEK OSD automatically adapts to either PAL or NTSC video input and confirms if there is a MICRO SD card or not.The adaptive processes are within about 20 seconds.Once the input vi

ZeroUAV YS-X6 Autopilot GPS Flight Control System
Kód zb.: BY000-hu
Cena: 31440.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na objednání do 1

ZeroUAV YS-X6 Autopilot GPS Flight Control System

Autopilot ZeroUAV YS-X6 je vysoce výkonný a kvalitní řídící systém pro multikoptéry podporující operační systémy Android/IOS a PC systémy, který zaručuje perfektní navigaci, držení směru k cíli, autostabilizaci a udržování polohy a výšky. Je navržený pro profesionální i hobby aplikace, pro nasazení v komerčních a průmyslových platformách. YS-X6 přebírá klasickou ARM+FPGA strukturu, která integruje vysoce přesné senzory, aplikuje pokročilou kompenzaci teplotních rozdílů a průmyslový výpočetní aparát podporovaný velmi rych

Minim OSD v0.1
Kód zb.: CI611-pc
Cena: 716.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

Minim OSD v0.1

This is a mini Arduino based on-screen display board. Its tailored for use with ArduPilot Mega and the MAVlink protocol, and designed to be as small as possible. It main components are an ATmega328P 8 bit microcontroller with an Arduino bootloader, and a MAX7456 monochrome on-screen display. Programming is done through an FTDI-compatible 6-pin cable. It features two independent power and ground sections to isolate the OSDs analog stage: a +5V section for the ATmega and th

MultiWii PRO Flight Controller w/MTK GPS Module
Kód zb.: OE315-d3
Cena: 2271.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 4 ks

MultiWii PRO Flight Controller w/MTK GPS Module

The MultiWii PRO is a gyro/accelerometer based flight controller that is loaded with features.This version of the MultiWii supports direct connection of a GPS module (package includes MTK 3329 GPS module)allowing for ultra-precise positioning functionality.With expandability options and full programmability, this device can control just about any type of aircraft.This is the ideal flight controlle

APM 2.5+ Assembled Set (Top entry) - uBlox LEA-6H GPS module
Kód zb.: FH608-7u
Cena: 8484.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 7 ks

APM 2.5+ Assembled Set (Top entry) - uBlox LEA-6H GPS module

This new version of the ArduPilotMega 2.5 system features a newly designed enclosure and Power Module with integrated 5.3V regulator and current and voltage sensing. The ArduPilot Mega 2.5 is a complete open source autopilot system and the bestselling technology that won the prestigious 2012 Outback Challenge UAV competition.This version is ready to use, with no assembly required.It allows the

Hobbyking i86AP Flight Stabilization Control Board
Kód zb.: DZ739-8w
Cena: 716.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks

Hobbyking i86AP Flight Stabilization Control Board

Controlled by an Atmel Mega168PA 8-Bit RISC based micro controller and utilizing a single high precision 3-axis MEMS gyro, the Hobbyking i86AP Flight Stabilization Control Board is capable of stabilizing flight on just about any fixed wing aircraft! It provides added stability by automatically correcting the aileron, elevator and rudder channels in flight. This compensates for unwanted changes in

Přeprogramování Multi-Rotor Control Board
Kód zb.: ZE938-mi
Cena: 290.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
K dispozici

Přeprogramování Multi-Rotor Control Board

Přeprogramování HobbyKing Multi-Rotor Control Board na přání zákazníka

FlyCam Black32(Wii) Set + FlyCam GPS
Kód zb.: JK982-c5
Cena: 4400.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Skladem 2 ks

FlyCam Black32(Wii) Set + FlyCam GPS

FlyCam MultiCopter Controller " Black-32 " + FlyCam GPS Features: Modern 32-bit ARM processor running at 3.3V/72MHz. 2000 degrees/second 3-axis MEMS gyro, accelerometer(MPU6050) 3-axis magnetometer (HMC5883L) and pressure sensor(MS5611). Support Quad-, Tri-, Hex-, Octo-, various coaxial configurations, as well As fully customizable motor mixer for any multicopter type. 8ch RC input-On board PPM convert for Standard, CCPM, Spektrum satellite, S.BUS Battery voltage monitoring a

APM2.6 ArduPilot Mega 2.6 APM Flight Control Board Exterbal Compass w/ Protective Case for Quadcopter Multicopter Airplane
Kód zb.: BU489-rf
Cena: 2589.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Skladem 1 ks

APM2.6 ArduPilot Mega 2.6 APM Flight Control Board Exterbal Compass w/ Protective Case for Quadcopter Multicopter Airplane

APM2.6 ArduPilot Mega 2.6 APM Flight Control Board Exterbal Compass w/ Protective Case for Multicopter Introduction: This is the new APM 2.6 autopilot module. The sensors are exactly the same as with APM2.5+, however this version does not have an onboard compass, which makes this version ideal for use with multicopters and rovers. The APM 2.6 is a complete open source autopilot system and

HKPilot Mega V2.5 Flight Controller USB/GYRO/ACC/MAG/BARO
Kód zb.: WZ025-rr
Cena: 2711.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 8 ks

HKPilot Mega V2.5 Flight Controller USB/GYRO/ACC/MAG/BARO

The HKPilot Mega 2.5 is a complete open source autopilot system featuring the best selling technology. This version is ready to use, with no assembly required. It allows the user to turn any fixed wing, rotary wing or multi-rotor vehicle (even boats and car) into a fully autonomous vehicle capable of performing programmed GPS missions with waypoints (GPS module required - sold separately). Feat

OrangeRX 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer
Kód zb.: NE413-9h
Cena: 609.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 5 ks

OrangeRX 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer

Utilizing a single high precision 3-axis MEMS gyro, the OrangeRX 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer is capable of stabilizing flight on just about any fixed wing aircraft! It provides added stability by automatically correcting the aileron, elevator and rudder channels in flight. This compensates for unwanted changes in the airplanes attitude due to wind and other factors. In short, it makes your airplane much more stable in flight! The OrangeRX 3-Axis Flight Stabilizer is great for thos

APM 2.5+ Assembled Set (Top entry) - uBlox LEA-6H GPS module
Kód zb.: FH608-7u
Cena: 8484.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 7 ks

APM 2.5+ Assembled Set (Top entry) - uBlox LEA-6H GPS module

This new version of the ArduPilotMega 2.5 system features a newly designed enclosure and Power Module with integrated 5.3V regulator and current and voltage sensing. The ArduPilot Mega 2.5 is a complete open source autopilot system and the bestselling technology that won the prestigious 2012 Outback Challenge UAV competition.This version is ready to use, with no assembly required.It allows the




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