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Turnigy 10XC 10S 400W 10A Dual Channel Balance Charger
Kód zb.: TS839-uf
Cena: 5111.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 7 ks

Turnigy 10XC 10S 400W 10A Dual Channel Balance Charger

The ALL NEW Turnigy 10XC is designed to provide a whopping 10A max current output, and 400W of power (rated @30V DC input when charging a 10s Lipoly battery) - all while maintaining a compact size, and available at an extremely competitive price. You will be hard-pressed to find a safer, faster, more-complete solution to meet your charging needs in the 400W class. Supporting manual charge currents

Turnigy Smart6 80W 7A Balance Charger with Graph Screen
Kód zb.: OC726-2r
Cena: 2431.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 3 ks

Turnigy Smart6 80W 7A Balance Charger with Graph Screen

The Turnigy Smart6 will handle LiPo/LiFe up to 6S and NiMH/NiCd up to 17S with a charge rate up to 7amp.The Smart6 also offers unique functions usually found in much more expensive equipment.The LCD screen shows an amps/volts graph throughout the charge/discharge process giving you easy to read, realtime data.Also shown are individual cell voltage during charge with realtime updates throughout the

Genuine IMAX B8+ Charger/Discharger 1-8 Cells
Kód zb.: YJ019-2x
Cena: 1875.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 8 ks

Genuine IMAX B8+ Charger/Discharger 1-8 Cells

TOTO JE ORIGINÁLNÍ IMAX B8! PROSÍME ZKONTROLUJTE ŠTÍTEK NA NABÍJEČI A NA KRABICI, ZDA SE JEDNÁ O ORIGINÁLNÍ IMAX B8+. OVŠEM POKUD SHÁNÍTE LEVNĚJŠÍ PODOBNÝ PRODUKT, PROHLÉDNĚTE SI PROSÍM NAŠE OSTATNÍ NABÍJEČE V TÉTO KATEGORII. IMAX 8B je poslední verze nabíječů řady IMAX. Má všechny funkce předchozího modelu B6, ale navíc je schopný nabíjet osmičlánkové baterie!! Nabíjejte všechny vaše baterie včetně A123 (LiFe) a to včetně balancování i cyklování. Samozřejmostí je i vybíjecí režim. Specifikace: Provozní napětí: 10.0V ~ 18.0V Příkon: max. 150W Nab

Walkera GA006 USB Dual Lipoly Charger (QR Ladybird/Genius CP/Mini CP)
Kód zb.: YU094-tv
Cena: 286.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

Walkera GA006 USB Dual Lipoly Charger (QR Ladybird/Genius CP/Mini CP)

This is the Walkera GA006 USB dual lipoly battery charger. I can independently charge two 3.7V lipoly batteries at the same time. Uses Walkera 2-pin charge plugs. Includes USB power cable.

Turnigy MAX80W 7A Lithium Polymer Battery Charger
Kód zb.: ZB604-z6
Cena: 1539.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 9 ks

Turnigy MAX80W 7A Lithium Polymer Battery Charger

The Turnigy MAX80W is an upgrade of a entry level balancing charger and discharger which can handle up to 6 cells and 7A. The touch pad style Turnigy MAX80W will handle LiPo/LiFe up to 6S and NiMH/NiCd up to 15S and shows individual cell voltage during charge with realtime updates throughout the charge cycle. Features: Microprocessor controlled Delta-peak sensitivity (NiMH/NiCd) Individual cell

iCharger 208B 350W 8s Balance/Charger
Kód zb.: FG319-k3
Cena: 4929.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 5 ks

iCharger 208B 350W 8s Balance/Charger

Capable of handling up to 350W or 20A charge rates. Lipoly, LiFe and Lilo compatible as well as able to charge up to 8 cell packs. The iCharger is famous for its ultra-accurate balancing feature. Each unit is calibrated at the factory prior to shipping! This is a quality precision charger. Specification: Input voltage range: 4.5 32.0VDC Charge current range: 0.05 20.0A Discharge current range: 0.05 20.0A Maximum charge power capacity: 350W @ input voltage > 18V Maximum discharge

TURNIGY MEGA 400W Lithium Polymer Battery Charger
Kód zb.: KQ202-5r
Cena: 3060.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 2 - 8 ks

TURNIGY MEGA 400W Lithium Polymer Battery Charger

Are you ready for 400W and 20A charge rates for your high C charge rate capable Turnigy/Zippy packs? We know the answer is "YES!", so we offer you the Turnigy Mega 400W high power balance charger! The Turnigy Mega 400W is a high power balancing charger/discharger which can handle up to 6 cells LiPo/LiFe and NiMH/NiCd up to 18S accurately. Bundled with the Turnigy Mega 400W is an array of charging

GWS Lipo Battery Charger
Kód zb.: ZJ260-m8
Cena: 1609.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 6 ks

GWS Lipo Battery Charger

Simple Design & Easy to Use For Li-PO Battery: 7.4 & 11.1 V Specification: Palm Size: 102x54x28 mm Auto Detection & Auto Cutoff Monitor Each Li-PO Cell Adjustable Current: 0 ~1000mAH DC Input: 10 ~ 15 V 18 Watt. LED Light Indicator Input Alligator Battery Clips Cable Output End Short-Circuit Protection CE & RoHS Ready This charger comes with balance leads and adapters, and will suit hexTronik batteries.

HobbyKing 4B6 Balance Charger Plus Accessories (200W)
Kód zb.: NL005-4g
Cena: 3371.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 7 ks

HobbyKing 4B6 Balance Charger Plus Accessories (200W)

The HK4B6 Balance Charger features 4 port charging that allows you to charge a combination of 4 batteries at once. Each charging port features an independent charging circuit that allows you to charge NiXX, LiXX or pB batteries, This means, for example, you could charge 2 Lipoly flight packs, a transmitter pack and a glow plug driver all at the same time! The HK4B6 includes an assortment of adapt

IMAX B6-AC Charger/Discharger 1-6 Cells (GENUINE)
Kód zb.: UQ683-6l
Cena: 2470.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Skladem 1 ks

IMAX B6-AC Charger/Discharger 1-6 Cells (GENUINE)

Charge at home on 110/240v or in the field on 12v. The B6-AC handles both! The IMAX B6-AC is a rock solid charger thats able to charge, balance and discharge Lion, LiPo, LiFe (A123), NiCd and NiMH batteries. This is not a fake. It is a genuine IMAX B6. Our fault rate/returns on this charger are extremely low. Features: AC 100~240v or 12V DC input Microprocessor controlled Delta-peak sensitivity

HobbyKing 8AC Large Screen AC/DC Balancer Charger
Kód zb.: WC553-z5
Cena: 4090.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 9 ks

HobbyKing 8AC Large Screen AC/DC Balancer Charger

A break through in battery charging convenience and style, the HobbyKing 8AC offers a large easy to read LCD panel with a graphical user interface (GUI). A host of smart charging options and valuable information is at your finger tips, all of which is displayed on a crisp back lit LCD panel. The GUI makes navigating the chargers array of options a breeze. With real time charge data graphing, timer

HobbyKing Variable 6S 50W 5A Balancer / nabíječ a příslušenství
Kód zb.: LG301-6y
Cena: 756.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 5 ks

HobbyKing Variable 6S 50W 5A Balancer / nabíječ a příslušenství

HobbyKing Variable 6S je rychlý nabíječ s balancérem, s vysokovýkonným mikroprocesoirem a unikátním operačním systémem. Nabíječ je osazený velmi přesně kalibrovannými rezistory s proměnnou hodnotou, čímž je zajištěné precizní balancování článků během nabíjení LiPo a NiMh baterií. HobbyKing Variable 6S nabíjí až šestičlánkové LiPo/LiFe baterie a až patnáctičlánkové baterie NiMh/NiCd a během celého nabíjecího cyklu zobrazuje aktuální napětí na jednotlivých článcích. Díky intuitivnímu systému menu je nabíjení snad

iCharger 106B-plus 250W 6s Balancer/Charger
Kód zb.: TP066-6b
Cena: 3315.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 6 ks

iCharger 106B-plus 250W 6s Balancer/Charger

Capable of handling up to 250W or 10A charge rates. Lipoly, LiFe and Lilo compatible as well as able to charge up to 6 cell packs. The iCharger is famous for its ultra-accurate balancing feature. Each unit is calibrated at the factory prior to shipping! This is a quality precision charger. Specification: Input voltage range: 10.0 – 18.0VDC Charge current range: 0.05 – 10.0A Discharge current range: 0.05 – 7.0A Maximum charge power capacity: 250W @ input voltage > 13.5V Max

Turnigy MEGA 400Wx2 Battery Charger/Discharger (800W)
Kód zb.: OS755-5g
Cena: 5527.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 3 - 8 ks

Turnigy MEGA 400Wx2 Battery Charger/Discharger (800W)

Tired of carrying two chargers to the field? Need serious charging power without the hassle of multiple chargers? Then the Turnigy Mega 400Wx2 is the charger you have been waiting for! This charger features dual 400w outputs, that’s a total of 800w charging power! Each output is independent and 2 JST-XH balance boards have been included for balancing Li-XX batteries. It even features optional t

IMAX B6 Charger/Discharger 1-6 Cells (GENUINE)
Kód zb.: KF201-o4
Cena: 1069.00 ,- CZK
Počet: ks
Na cestě 4 - 5 ks

IMAX B6 Charger/Discharger 1-6 Cells (GENUINE)

IMAX B6 je nabíječ baterií s pokročilými funkcemi, schopný nabíjet, vybíjet a balancovat LiIon, LiPo, LiFe (A123), NiCd a NiMH baterie. Vlastnosti: Mikroprocesorem řízený Nastavení citlivosti hodnoty delta-peak Balancování jednotlivých článků Možnost nabíjet LiIon, LiPo a LiFe baterie Možnost nabíjet NiCd a NiMH baterie Velký rozsah nabíjecích proudů Funkce "storage" pro nabíjení/vybíjení baterií do skladovacího režimu Časová pojistka Monitoring vstupního napětí. (chrání baterie při nabíjení na letišti) Paměť až pro 5 bateri




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